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Omogućen ulazak u BiH bez COVID potvrda. Bosnia Herzegovina not request COVID certificate to enter in country. | Medjugorje Today Live

Omogućen ulazak u BiH bez COVID potvrda. Bosnia Herzegovina not request COVID certificate to enter in country.


Entitetske vlasti u BiH ukinule su obvezu posjedovanja potvrde o cijepljenju, testu i preboljenju od covida ili pak nošenja maski u zatvorenome, koje su bile uvedene zbog sprječavanja širenja koronavirusa, dok je broj hospitaliziranih mali o čemu su u četvrtak izvijestili iz bolnice u Mostaru. Vlada Federacije BiH je zbog poboljšane epidemiološke situacije na današnjoj sjednici prihvatila informaciju Kriznog stožera s preporukama kojima je ukida CTP pravilo (cijepljen/testiran/prebolio) prigodom ulaska u javne institucije. Središnja entitetska vlada je nižim vladama deset županija naložila kontinuirano praćenje epidemiološke situacija, te da u slučaju pogoršanja samostalno poduzmu potrebne mjere. Prema podacima Kriznog stožera FBiH tjednima je u opadanju broj novozaraženih osoba od koronavirusa. Na razini Federacije BiH sedmodnevna incidencija iznosi 41,8 slučajeva na 100.000 stanovnika.


Entity authorities in BiH have abolished the obligation to have a certificate of vaccination, test and recovery from covid or wearing masks indoors, which were introduced to prevent the spread of coronavirus, while the number of hospitalized is small, as reported by the hospital in Mostar on Thursday. Due to the improved epidemiological situation, the Government of the Federation of BiH accepted the information of the Crisis Staff at today’s session with recommendations repealing the CTP rule (vaccinated / tested / overcame) upon entering public institutions. The Central Entity Government has instructed the lower governments of ten counties to continuously monitor the epidemiological situation, and to take the necessary measures in the event of deterioration. According to the FBiH Crisis Staff, the number of newly infected people with coronavirus has been declining for weeks. At the level of the Federation of BiH, the seven-day incidence is 41.8 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Izvor/source: https://www.vecernji.hr/vijesti/bih-ukida-covid-potvrde-ali-i-nosenje-maski-u-zatvorenim-prostorijama-1569878 

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